Problems in household waste management in Lam Luk Ka Subdistrict Municipality, Lam Luk Ka District, Pathum Thani Province
Waste management, MunicipalityAbstract
This qualitative research aims to study (1) the household waste management in Lam Luk Ka Subdistrict Municipality, Lam Luk Ka District, Pathum Thani Province (2) the problems in household waste management in Lam Luk Ka Subdistrict Municipality, Lam Luk Ka District, Pathum Thani Province (3) the direction for household waste management in Lam Luk Ka Subdistrict Municipality, Lam Luk Ka District, Pathum Thani Province. The instruments used for data collection are a questionnaire and observation form. The key informants are the 5 administrators and staff responsible for the management planning, 3 staff responsible for waste collection and elimination and 4 residential citizen of the Lam Luk Ka Subdistrict Municipality. The result finds that the key problem of the household waste management is the waste separation from wet, dry, dangerous wastes before waste throwing away. There is some waste separation for paper and water bottles. Other wastes are still let together in plastic bags, black bags or bins which are adapted from used household containers. For the problems of waste management, it is found that the different areas of Lam Luk Ka Subdistrict has not followed the waste management policy of the Lam Luk Ka Subdistrict Municipality due to the community leaders do not implement the policy strictly , lack of cooperation and realization by community members, lack or insufficience of budgets, acknowledgment of information of waste management,lack of opportunity to participate in waste management program and lack of knowledge on waste problems. The waste management should be divided into 2 main activities; home/village and municipality. For home/village, the waste bin or bag should be prepared for each home for separation and reuse of waste. For municipality, suitable places and waste bins should be prepared and promote, support for the waste management including the knowledge information to the community for the waste management.
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