Service Quality of Bunkbed Hostel, Ratchathewi District, Bangkok Metropolitan Administration
quality, service, hostelAbstract
The objectives of this research were to study: (1) The service quality of the Bunkbed Hostel, Ratchathewi District, Bangkok Metropolitan Administration, and (2) The comparison of personal factors with the quality service of the Bunkbed Hostel, Ratchathewi District, Bangkok Metropolitan Administration. This study was a quantitative research. The sampling group comprised of guests who have stayed at Bunkbed Hostel, from which 300 subjects were selected by using the Taro Yamane method of Convenience Sampling, utilizing a questionnaire to collect the data. The statistics used in this case were descriptive statistics analysis: frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation and concluded hypothesis by t-test, One Way Analysis of Variance, and compared tests performed by using Scheffe method.
The results of the research found that: (1) The personal factors of the guests who have stayed at Bunk Bed Hostel, most of the guests were male, 21 - 30 years old, foreign nationalities, students, earnings an average monthly income between 10,001 - 20,000 Baht, purposes of the trip were for work/business, and the duration of stay was 2 nights. (2) The service quality factors of the Bunkbed Hostel Ratchathewi District, Bangkok Metropolitan Administration in overall was at a high level (x = 4.10, S.D. = .581). When considering each aspect ranking by the average, the tangibility of the service was at the highest level (x = 4.21, S.D. = .629), followed by the responsiveness to customers at the high level (x = 4.10, S.D. = .631), the reliability at the high level (x= 4.08, S.D. = .707), the empathy at the high level (x= 4.08, S.D. = .714) and the confidence in accessing services at the high level (x = 4.05, S. D. = .650), respectively. (3) The Comparative analysis of the difference of personal factors with the service quality of the Bunkbed Hostel such as gender, age, nationality, occupation and the purpose of this trip showed no difference. The guests with different earnings, average monthly income and duration of stay views on the service quality were statistically significantly different at .05.
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