“Mediation” or “Sprachmittlung”? On the revised concept of mediation in the Companion Volume of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages and the consequences for teaching materials and examinations


  • Jan Stevener


Common European Framework of Reference for Languages, Companion Volume, German as a Foreign Language, Evaluation and Testing, Competence


The upgrading of mediation in the companion volume of the Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR), published in German in 2020 (Europarat, 2020), through 19 newly developed scales is linked to theoretical questions that are clarified in this article. It should be noted that there are significant differences in content between "Sprachmittlung" (mediation), as specified in the German edition of the CEFR 2001 and in the following discussion among experts in Germany, and the construct now translated as "Mediation" in the German edition of the Companion Volume from 2020. Mediation is much broader and includes mediation not only of texts, but also of communication, concepts and strategies. After the differences have been clarified, the consequences for the preparation of foreign language teaching tasks and examinations will be discussed.


