Understanding the Role of Social Influence in Consumers' Intention to Use Social Commerce
Social Commerce, Social Influence, Social Norms, Social Identity, Social Support, Social Comparisonบทคัดย่อ
Over the years, people have been using social media not only to connect with friends, content creators, and celebrities but also to explore and learn about new products and services. Social commerce, which involves a fully integrated social shopping experience spanning from product discovery and research to checkout, is rapidly developing. This study aims to explain the role of social influence in consumers' intention to use social commerce in Krabi, Thailand. The study employed a qualitative research strategy that included conducting in-depth interviews with eight selected key informants through purposive sampling. The collected data were analyzed using content analysis, supported by the NVivo software.
The findings indicated that social influence plays a significant role in shaping consumers' intention to use social commerce. Social norms, social identity, social support, and social comparison are among the social factors that influence consumers' willingness to use social commerce. Businesses can capitalize on these factors to encourage the adoption of social commerce by developing effective marketing strategies that resonate with consumers' social inclinations. Consequently, this should result in enhanced business performance.
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