Learning Spaces: On The Day When The World Spins Fast
learning, learning space, 21st century learningAbstract
This academic article aims to disseminate about the concept of learning spaces in rapidly changing world based on the research and insights of the author. The changing trends of the world have direct and indirect impacts on individuals, societies, and countries, as well as on various developmental systems, including education. Education is important in driving the mechanism of national development and the development of education itself. It provides a framework for developing future learners with skills and quality that are prepared to face various situations, including real learning that arises from the need to develop oneself to have quality potential in life. Learning occurs all the time, and some learning occurs automatically according to the mechanism of nature. However, some aspects of learning must follow the guidelines, and in the future, learning trends are expected to be a mixture of face-to-face and online learning. Learning spaces, including homes, schools, and communities, will help cultivate the growth path of learners to become adults with life skills, good health, and the ability to achieve their goals. Learning spaces are an option and opportunity for developing potential for learners with diverse needs in the midst of the changes of the 21st century.
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