Efficiency Improvement on Receiving Finished Goods Process by Using LGV Forklift Technology in Production Division: A Case Study of ABC Company.
Efficiency Improvement, Production Process, Flow Process Chart, Pareto Diagram Lean, Automated Forklift TechnologyAbstract
The objective of this study was to analyze the problems that arise from the process of receiving finished goods from the production department using automated forklift technology. A case study of ABC Company was presented, along with suggestions for improving the efficiency of the finished goods receiving process. The analysis involved observing and studying the actual work process, analyzing process flowcharts, Pareto charts, Lean concepts, value-added activities, non-value-added activities, and the ECRS principle to identify unnecessary and redundant steps in the process and to find ways to improve it. The study found that there were eight non-value-added activities that were necessary to be performed. However, after analyzing value-added activities and ECRS, six steps were found to be simplified by using LGV Forklift automated technology in the finished goods receiving process. The study also designed and planned the automated forklift's route, which resulted in reducing costs as follows: a reduction of 188 work hours per year, which equaled a saving of 31,200 baht per year; a reduction of four workers, which equaled a saving of 1,476,929 baht per year; a reduction of two forklift rentals, which equaled a saving of 396,000 baht per year; and a reduction in overtime costs, which equaled a saving of 39,252 baht per year.
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