Development of Online Trading System: A Case Study of Klabtani Phitsanulok


  • Nattaphat Suwannasin -
  • Piyada Kantarattanakun
  • kittika Sungkawadee


System development, Shopping, Product, Online


The objectives of this research were to 1) develop a management system for an online store, using the case study of Klabtani Roti Vermicelli with Shrimp Sauce, and Tea Chak Pak Tai, Phitsanulok Branch, 2) to improve the sales channel and increase revenue, and 3) assess user satisfaction with the online store management system, using the case study of Klabtani Roti Vermicelli with Shrimp Sauce, and Tea Chak Pak Tai, Phitsanulok Branch. The research tools included an online store management system and a satisfaction evaluation questionnaire. The research sample comprised of 30 customers who used the online store management system of Klabtani Roti Vermicelli with Shrimp Sauce, and Tea Chak Pak Tai, Phitsanulok Branch. The research methodology was focused and employed program users as participants to facilitate data collection. The statistical analysis was conducted in terms of means and standard deviations.

          The research findings revealed that the online store management system, as observed through the case study of Klabtani Roti Vermicelli with Shrimp Sauce, and Tea Chak Pak Tai, Phitsanulok Branch, successfully enhanced the convenience of ordering products and established an organized system for operations. The system's adaptability for continual improvement was highlighted, eliminating paper wastage, and enabling swift data retrieval, product additions, and modifications. The system effectively catered to customers who primarily relied on online channels for their daily life activities, consequently contributing to increased sales. The overall user satisfaction assessment yielded the highest level of satisfaction. This was reflected in the highest average score ( =4.59 ,S.D = 0.37)


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How to Cite

Suwannasin, N., Kantarattanakun, P., & Sungkawadee, kittika. (2023). Development of Online Trading System: A Case Study of Klabtani Phitsanulok. ROMYOONGTHONG JOURNAL, 1(2), 36–52. retrieved from



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