Students’ Online Shopping Behavior Through The TikTok Application In Udon Thani Municipality


  • seksun saiseesod ๋Rajabhat Udon Thani University
  • Prapawarin Sanpim
  • Sukanya Phimson
  • Thuantham Natunjai
  • Wittawat Asanam


Behavior, Purchase Decision, Satisfaction, TikTok


The research study on the online purchasing behavior through the TikTok application among students in the municipality of Udon Thani aimed to 1) investigate the usage behavior of the TikTok application among students in the municipality of Udon Thani, 2) explore the online purchasing behavior through the TikTok application among students in the municipality of Udon Thani, and 3) examine the benefits and satisfaction derived from online shopping through the TikTok application among students in the municipality of Udon Thani.

Research tools utilized consist of a questionnaire divided into four sections, comprising general information, usage behavior, purchasing behavior, satisfaction, and benefits derived from the TikTok application. The sample group comprised of 400 students from the municipality of Udon Thani, selected through multistage random sampling. The statistical research methods employed include mean values and standard deviations. The research findings reveal that among students in the municipality of Udon Thani, the majority, accounting for 98.5%, used the TikTok application. Approximately 66.3% of students used the TikTok application through the iOS operating system (such as iPhone, iPad). Around 74.5% of students became acquainted with the TikTok application through various media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. Roughly 54.3% of students spent more than 4 hours using the TikTok application. Approximately 65.5% of students used the TikTok application daily. About 78.3% of students utilized the TikTok application for entertainment purposes. Approximately 92.8% of students had previously purchased products through the TikTok application. Moreover, online shopping behavior through the TikTok application among students in the municipality of Udon Thani indicated that the majority were interested in purchasing skincare/cosmetics, accounting for 52.9%. The primary reason for interest in purchasing was affordability/discounts, accounting for 75.2%. Around 55.3% of students order products through live streaming channels. Approximately 35.0% of students made purchases on a monthly basis, and 39.5% of students made purchases valued between 500-1,000 baht. In addition, the utilization and satisfaction in purchasing products online through the TikTok application among students in the municipality of Udon Thani showed that the overall satisfaction and benefits regarding the products were significantly high, averaging at 4.38. Likewise, the overall satisfaction and benefits in the purchasing process through the TikTok application stood at a high level, averaging at 4.38. Moreover, the overall satisfaction and benefits concerning the pricing through the TikTok application were at a high level, averaging at 4.29. Lastly, the overall satisfaction and benefits in terms of marketing promotion through the TikTok application were also at a high level, averaging at 4.37.


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How to Cite

saiseesod, seksun, Sanpim, P., Phimson, S., Natunjai, T., & Asanam, W. (2023). Students’ Online Shopping Behavior Through The TikTok Application In Udon Thani Municipality. ROMYOONGTHONG JOURNAL, 1(3), 15–26. retrieved from



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