Production of Public Relations Media for Chiang Rai Ecotourism Using 2D Games


  • Wasan Donkaew -
  • Dulyarit Wongchai
  • Seatachai Jaihuek


Ecotourism, Public Relations Media, 2D Games


The objectives of this research were to 1) study and gather public relations media related to ecotourism in Chiang Rai province, and 2) produce educational public relations media about ecotourism in Chiang Rai province using 2D games, 3) measure the effectiveness of knowledge dissemination from the produced public relations media, and 4) evaluate satisfaction with the produced public relations media. A sample group of 50 tourists was selected. The study began with the examination and collection of public relations media related to conservation tourism in Chiang Rai province, followed by the production of public relations media. Subsequently, tourist satisfaction was assessed, revealing a high level of overall satisfaction. Furthermore, after measuring the effectiveness of knowledge dissemination from the media, the post-test scores were statistically higher than the pre-test scores at the .05 significance level. This indicates that 2D games used as public relations media for conservation tourism in Chiang Rai province significantly contribute to tourists' knowledge and understanding.


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How to Cite

Donkaew, W., Wongchai, D., & Jaihuek, S. (2024). Production of Public Relations Media for Chiang Rai Ecotourism Using 2D Games. ROMYOONGTHONG JOURNAL, 2(1), 30–44. retrieved from



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