The Motivation of Thai Tourists Traveling to Nongnooch Garden Pattaya, Chonburi Province Situation after COVID – 19
Push and pull motivation, Thai Tourists, Nongnooch Pattaya Garden, Chonburi provinceAbstract
The article titled “motivations of Thai tourists traveling to Nongnooch Pattaya Garden, Chonburi province, after the COVID-19 pandemic” had the objective of studying the motivations of Thai tourists traveling to Nongnooch Pattaya Garden, Chonburi province, after the COVID-19 pandemic. The sample group for this research study comprised 400 Thai tourists who traveled to Nongnooch Pattaya Garden, Chonburi province, after the COVID-19 pandemic. The sampling method used was convenient or accidental sampling, employing a non-probability sampling technique. Statistical analysis used in data analysis included frequency, percentage, mean, and standard deviation.
The analysis revealed that respondents who traveled to Nongnooch Pattaya Garden, Chonburi province, after the COVID-19 pandemic were predominantly male, aged between 21 to 30 years old, single, pursuing undergraduate degrees, with occupations as students, and earning less than or equivalent to 10,000 Baht. Moreover, The motivations of Thai tourists traveling to Nongnooch Pattaya Garden, Chonburi province, after the COVID-19 pandemic were found to be very high. It was discovered that Thai tourists were highly motivated to visit Nong Nongnooch Pattaya Garden to admire the diverse flower gardens and the natural beauty of the tourist destination. Additionally, Thai tourists were driven to explore places they had not previously visited.
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