Digital Accounting and Enhancing Sustainability in Organizations
Accounting, Digital, Sustainability, Sustainability, OrganizationAbstract
The analytical study had the main objective of analyzing digital accounting and its role in enhancing sustainability in organizations. The analysis revealed that, first, the adoption of digital technology in accounting contributed to organizational sustainability by reducing the use of natural resources, minimizing waste production, increasing accuracy and efficiency in resource management, and improving business decision-making. This, in turn, enhanced the organization's stability and credibility with society and investors in a sustainable manner. Digital accounting offered various benefits, including reducing errors, speeding up data recording, increasing transparency, reducing resource wastage, and supporting strategic decision-making. Additionally, it helped in developing employees' digital technology skills. Second, key recommendations included organizations investing in digital systems and training employees. This involved using blockchain and artificial intelligence (AI) systems to improve the accuracy of accounting data and reduce fraud, as well as utilizing data from digital accounting systems for strategic decision-making. However, potential limitations included high investment costs and the need for ongoing employee training
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