The Service Quality through the Service Desk System at Precision Engineering Company Limited
Service Quality, Employee OpinionsAbstract
This research aimed to 1) examine employees' opinions on the quality of service provided through the Service Desk system at Precission Engineering Co., Ltd., and 2) compare employees' opinions on the service quality of the Service Desk system, classified by personal factors. This quantitative study utilized a sample of 170 employees who used computers and peripherals within the company, selected through simple random sampling. Data were collected using a questionnaire, and statistical analysis involved mean calculations, percentages, standard deviations, t-tests, and F-test.
The findings revealed that the personal factors of employees using computers and peripherals at Precission Engineering Co., Ltd. predominantly included being female, aged 31-40 years, holding operational positions, and having over 6 years of work experience. In terms of the research objectives: 1) Overall, employees' opinions on the quality of the Service Desk system's repair service were at a high level. When considering individual aspects, the highest average scores were for understanding and empathy, followed by confidence and tangible service. The reliability of quality standards and responsiveness had equal average scores. 2) The comparison of employees' opinions on service quality based on gender showed no significant differences. However, significant statistical differences were found based on age, job position, and length of service at the .05 level.
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