The purpose of this research is to study the level of screen time management and aggressive behavior, as well as to examine the relationship between screen time management and aggressive behavior among 6th - grade students at Wachirarat School Group, Khanuworalaksaburi District, Kamphaeng Phet Province. The sample group consists of 103 sixth-grade students from the academic year 2023 obtained by purposive sampling and calculated according to Taro Yamane's formula. The research tool used is a questionnaire on screen time management and aggressive behavior of students, it has the characteristics of a 4-level rating scale, divided into 2 sections with 25 questions. Analyzed using Pearson correlation analysis. The research findings are as follows: 1) The level of screen time management and aggressive behavior among 6th-grade students ,the screen time management is at a medium level. 2) The level of screen time management and aggressive behavior among 6th-grade students ,aggressive behavior is at a moderate level. 3) There is a negative correlation between screen time management and aggressive behavior, with a low level of correlation (Correlation Coefficient = -.011). The conclusion is that screen time management does not affect aggressive behavior.


  • Natthawut Trairat -
  • Jidapha Aiamsumarng
  • Nanthima Asvaraksha


Screen time management, Aggressive behavior


The purpose of this research is to study the level of screen time management and aggressive behavior, as well as to examine the relationship between screen time management and aggressive behavior among 6th - grade students at Wachirarat School Group, Khanuworalaksaburi District, Kamphaeng Phet Province. The sample group consists of 103 sixth-grade students from the academic year 2023 obtained by purposive sampling and calculated according to Taro Yamane's formula. The research tool used is a questionnaire on screen time management and aggressive behavior of students, it has the characteristics of a 4-level rating scale, divided into 2 sections with 25 questions. Analyzed using Pearson correlation analysis.

The research findings are as follows: 1) The level of screen time management and aggressive behavior among 6th-grade students ,the screen time management is at a medium level. 2) The level of screen time management and aggressive behavior among 6th-grade students ,aggressive behavior is at a moderate level. 3) There is a negative correlation between screen time management and aggressive behavior, with a low level of correlation (Correlation Coefficient = -.011). The conclusion is that screen time management does not affect aggressive behavior.


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How to Cite

Trairat, N., Aiamsumarng, J., & Asvaraksha, N. (2024). The purpose of this research is to study the level of screen time management and aggressive behavior, as well as to examine the relationship between screen time management and aggressive behavior among 6th - grade students at Wachirarat School Group, Khanuworalaksaburi District, Kamphaeng Phet Province. The sample group consists of 103 sixth-grade students from the academic year 2023 obtained by purposive sampling and calculated according to Taro Yamane’s formula. The research tool used is a questionnaire on screen time management and aggressive behavior of students, it has the characteristics of a 4-level rating scale, divided into 2 sections with 25 questions. Analyzed using Pearson correlation analysis. The research findings are as follows: 1) The level of screen time management and aggressive behavior among 6th-grade students ,the screen time management is at a medium level. 2) The level of screen time management and aggressive behavior among 6th-grade students ,aggressive behavior is at a moderate level. 3) There is a negative correlation between screen time management and aggressive behavior, with a low level of correlation (Correlation Coefficient = -.011). The conclusion is that screen time management does not affect aggressive behavior. ROMYOONGTHONG JOURNAL, 2(2), 17–29. retrieved from



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