Practical Ways of Humanistic Life in Theravada Buddhist Perspective
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The research article aims to study the concept of humanism involved the practical ways of humanistic life in Theravada Buddhist perspective. There are formed as sentient beings by two mental and physical aggregates. There is no human being without emotion. That is why Abhidhamma philosophy revealed about six Temperaments that are motionable in every human being regarding human nature. Those are Raga, Daso, Moha, Sadha, Buddhi and Vitakka. They are called Carita in Pali.
Carita signifies a person's intrinsic nature or innate style, revealed when one is in a normal state without being preoccupied with anything. The temperaments of people differ owing to the diversity of their actions. Habitual actions tend to form particular characters as ways of practice. Rāga or lust is predominant in some, while dosa or anger, in others. Most people belong to these two categories.
According to the Philosophical point of view, different men have different kinds of philosophy. So, People have nothing in common in a turn of mind and phrase each other. According to Myanmar said, many men have many kinds of characters.