The Kamma Idea in Theravada Buddhism for Living in Nowadays

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Phramaha Anan Anuttaro (Aunwises)
Kitsuchin Ponsen


Academic article on Study on karma in Theravada Buddhism for modern life. The objectives are 1) karma in Theravada Buddhism 2) lifestyle of beliefs about karma for life in the present day). The study was found that karma is an important and very important aspect of life if there is no accurate knowledge or no clear life goals. The suffering that life will suffer there were many failures. If you have the right knowledge, life can be successful and prosperous. Karma study is one of the ways to learn and understand life for the right lifestyle and make life find peace. Suitable for use in daily life personal, family, business and society. That can be used in life in today's society as well.

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How to Cite
(Aunwises), P. A. A. ., & Ponsen, K. . (2021). The Kamma Idea in Theravada Buddhism for Living in Nowadays. Journal of Dhamma for Life, 27(2), 1–16. retrieved from
Academic Article