Importance and Elements of Sanghahawatthu 4

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Phrakhrudhammathon Decho Ṭhitatejo (Samrej)*


This academic article aims to study the elements and importance of the Four Sangahawatthu in Buddhism. That is a principle that has always been applied to life and work in Thai society. Therefore, its importance appears in many dimensions such as living a household, making friends, helping in public affairs, working, and Social coexistence, etc.

The elements of Sangahavathu are the four principles that serve as a means of conduct for unity and upkeep. Which is Dana, Piyavācā, Atthacariya, and Samanattata.

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How to Cite
(Samrej)*, P. D. Ṭhitatejo . (2021). Importance and Elements of Sanghahawatthu 4. Journal of Dhamma for Life, 27(1), 1–10. retrieved from
Academic Article