The Custom Conservation of the Community Way

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Phramaha Chakrapol Acharashubho Thepa
Phramaha Wichak Kittiwanno Chanapoj


This academic article aims to present a body of knowledge on the preservation of community traditions. In Thai society, faith, respect, and tradition are bound up as part of the way of life of the community. Members of society play an important role in defining activities, forms, and dimensions of community responsibilities. Introducing the principle of the emergence of a community way of life, it has been discovered that the preservation of community traditions is an important indicator of the development of the nation. The present prosperous nation has traditions that reflect the progress of the past in connection with the presence of mankind. Traditions can be used as a guideline for studying history, making people in society feel proud of the goodness of their tribe and nation, and allowing them to engage in activities together. The maintenance of love and unity makes communities, regions, and nations stable. Traditions are important symbols that express different nationalities. The importance of daily behavior, such as dining room etiquette and showing respect to elders, is emphasized. Younger generations must know how to respect their elders. Traditions can therefore be called a way of life of a society that is influenced by the external environment. It involves the adoption of various practices into one's life.

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How to Cite
Thepa, P. C., & Kittiwanno Chanapoj, P. W. . (2023). The Custom Conservation of the Community Way . Journal of Dhamma for Life, 29(1), 98–110. retrieved from
Academic Article