The Psychological Well-Being and Self-Esteem of Children and Youth at Ban Kanchanaphisek Juvenile Vocational Training Centre

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Paphonpat Chaisirivikrom
Assoc.Prof.Peeraphon Lueboonthavatchai


The objectives of this research were: 1) to study the well-being and self-esteem of youth offenders at Ban Kanchanapisek Juvenile Vocational Training Center. 2) To study the relevance of well-being and self-esteem among children and youths. 3) To study the factors related to well-being and self-esteem among children and youth by using the research methodology by conducting a cross-sectional descriptive study. The population consisted of 52 youths in Ban Kanchanapisek Juvenile Vocational Training Center, all of whom were male and sampling. Data collection using questionnaires Mental health assessment and self-esteem assessment data were analysed by descriptive and inferential statistics.

The study result indicates that most of the samples have moderate levels of psychological well-being and self-esteem at 48.1% and 65.5% respectively. The psychological well-being score significantly and positively correlates with the self-esteem score (r=.740, p<0.01), and the role model factor is significantly linked to the subjects’ psychological well-being (p<0.05). There is still, through Logistic regression analysis, a statistical significance in predicting the level of psychological well-being (ß=-1.402, p<0.05), but the related factor to self-esteem was unfound in the current study. The results of this study can potentially be employed as a guide to steer and promote an enhanced level of psychological well-being and self-esteem among children and juveniles at the juvenile vocational training centre in the future.

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How to Cite
Chaisirivikrom, P. ., & Lueboonthavatchai, A. . (2023). The Psychological Well-Being and Self-Esteem of Children and Youth at Ban Kanchanaphisek Juvenile Vocational Training Centre . Journal of Dhamma for Life, 29(2), 15–30. retrieved from
Original Research Article