The Development of Creative Scientific Innovation Ability and Environment Literacy by Using Project Based Learning of Mathayomsuksa 6 Students

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Panida Saenviangchan
Niwat Boonsom


The purpose of this research were to: 1) study creative scientific innovation ability after project based learning 2) study environment literacy after project based learning and 3) study the students’ opinions towards project based learning. A research sample of 39 students came from Mathayomsuksa 6/1 class at Kongthongwitaya school on 2nd semester of academic year 2021. Research instruments included 1) learning management plan project based learning, 2) creative scientific innovation ability assessment form ,3) environment knowledge test 4) environment attitude assessment form 5) environment behavior assessment form and 6) a questionnaire on students’ opinions towards project based learning. Data were analyzed by using statistics technique of arithmetic mean, standard deviation, dependent t-test and content analysis.

The research result found as follows, 1) the students under project based learning have good level creative scientific innovation ability. 2) The students under project based learning have level environment literacy as follows, in environment knowledge have higher than before study at the 0.05 significant level; environment attitude has good level, environment behavior has very good level, and the students’ opinions towards project based learning were at good level.

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How to Cite
Saenviangchan, P. ., & Niwat Boonsom , N. . (2023). The Development of Creative Scientific Innovation Ability and Environment Literacy by Using Project Based Learning of Mathayomsuksa 6 Students. Journal of Dhamma for Life, 29(2), 43–58. retrieved from
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