The Impact on Adoption of Temporary Relief Measures for Accounting Alternatives Due to Covid-19 Situation and Factors Affecting to Adoption in 2020

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Boripat Muensri
Dr.Phornpravee Chansuwan


This research aims to study the impact, the purpose of this research is to study the impact and factors affecting the choice of accounting relief measures due to the Covid-19 situation announced in 2020 by collecting information from the company's financial statements. The population used is companies listed on the Stock Exchange of Thailand. Excluding property funds Real Estate Investment Trust Category of companies undergoing business rehabilitation Companies with incomplete information and companies listed on the Market for Alternative Investment totaling 551 companies. And the sample group is companies listed on the Stock Exchange of Thailand that have temporarily relaxed measures for additional accounting alternatives, totaling 343 companies. The relaxation measures will be clearly disclosed in the notes to the financial statements that Which financial reporting standards do you choose to use installment measures for? according to accounting practices. The researcher analyzed the data by considering the distribution of data and comparing the mean of financial items before and after use. Such temporary relief measures whether there is a significant difference or not using Paired Sample t-Test. The statistics used were descriptive statistics according to financial ratios with the lowest, highest, mean and standard deviation of the 2018-2021 financial statements, inferential statistics. The Paired Sample t-Test was used to test the difference in the size ratio of the company before and after use. relief measures and multiple linear regression analysis.

   The result from the Paired Sample t-Test revealed that Effects and factors affecting the choice of accounting concession measures in the field of average ratio of total assets (deflated by total paid-up capital) was higher after firms adopted relief measures compared with pre-adoption period at the significant level of 0.05.  The regression analysis shed some light on factors about size of the companies, profitability and disclosure of relief measures in the notes to the financial statements were related to quantity of using accounting alternative from relief measures at the significance level of 0.05.

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How to Cite
Muensri, B. ., & ชาญสุวรรณ ด. . (2023). The Impact on Adoption of Temporary Relief Measures for Accounting Alternatives Due to Covid-19 Situation and Factors Affecting to Adoption in 2020. Journal of Dhamma for Life, 29(2), 1–14. retrieved from
Original Research Article