Work Happiness and Associated Factor of Officer in a Commercial Airline in Thailand

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Akarawat Metheeveerayothin Wutthiwong
Prof. Dr. Buranee Kanchanatawan, M.D., Msc.


This research is cross-sectional descriptive research. The purpose of this research is to examine Work Happiness and Associated Factor of Bangkok Airways Officer. Questionnaire included: 1) General background; 2) Work Happiness 3) Organizational Engagement. Descriptive statistics on happiness were analyzed and the factors correlated with happiness at work and organizational engagement were analyzed using Chi-square test, Binary Logistic Regression and Pearson's correlation coefficient.

The results showed that sample group of Bangkok Airways Officer 85.8 percent were satisfied with work at a moderate level. And only 2.5 percent their happiness at work was in the low level. And their commitment to the organization was at a high level, 48.5 percent, and followed by 45.8 percent, having a moderate level of commitment to the organization. For the group with the lowest to the lowest level of engagement, it was 1.9 percent and the group with the highest level of engagement was 3.8 percent.  Most level officer of Bangkok Airways have a moderate level of satisfaction in their work. And it was found that the average score of organizational commitment had a statistically significant correlation with happiness in all 7 aspects, namely acceptance (P<0.001), job characteristics (P<0.001). ) salary and benefits (P<0.001), relationship with supervisors (P<0.001), policy and administration (P=0.011), working conditions (P=0.027) and happiness in working by Total (P<0.001) and 43 officer of Bangkok Airways  were high happier at work found that the average score of organization engagement was significantly correlated with happiness at work. All 3 aspects, namely the nature of work performed (P=0.003), responsibility (P=0.029), and overall work satisfaction (P=0.001).

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How to Cite
Wutthiwong, A. M. ., & Kanchanatawan, P. D. B. . (2023). Work Happiness and Associated Factor of Officer in a Commercial Airline in Thailand. Journal of Dhamma for Life, 29(3), 36–52. retrieved from
Original Research Article