The Dynamics of Buddhist Propagation in the 21st Century

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Wanida Chulikawit
Montthien Montrapibooly
Phramaha Wutthichai Dhammavijjo
Phra Niroj Jutuayo Maharjan
Phramaha Pipat Pavaddhano


This academic article is a collection of ideas about the dynamics of Buddhism propagation in the 21st century with purpose to study and analyze factors that have both positive and negative impacts on the propagation of Buddhism using technology as a driving force of Buddhism propagation dynamics for the benefit of the continued prosperity of Buddhism. Help to refine the mind of Buddhists to be good people have morals, ethics, happiness, leading to a peaceful society, which is the destination. For implementing Dharma principles commensurate with the body of knowledge in the Ovadapatimokkha as a guideline for the promotion of Buddhism, including Principles 3, Ideology 4, and Method 6, and should adhere to the ultimate virtuous objective, which is "Aiming for Nirvana." Including the application of modern technology in the production of teaching materials for Dharma. Leading the trifold principle which is a moral to practice in order for the defilements and lusts to eventually enter the state of nirvana. In order to make the concept more accessible to individuals by linking and integrating it into a hybrid system dispersed over social media and organizing activities to support preaching from the preacher. In the temple is helping people to go to temples to pay homage to monks, pray, practice Dharma to understand the doctrine more deeply. When there is a problem or question in the code can ask the teacher advance the practice It also helps to change the way of life in accordance with the modern society as much as possible. It is appropriately in line with the propagation dynamics in the 21st century and the important context is the succession of Buddhism to be sustainable.

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How to Cite
Chulikawit, W. ., Montrapibooly, M. ., Dhammavijjo, P. W. ., Maharjan , P. N. J. ., & Pavaddhano, P. P. . (2023). The Dynamics of Buddhist Propagation in the 21st Century. Journal of Dhamma for Life, 29(2), 59–72. retrieved from
Academic Article