A Study on the Curriculum of Yihuang Hegang Dance, an intangible cultural heritage Dance

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Dong Ting
Assoc.Prof.Supavadee Potiwetchakul


This article mainly aims to study the course objectives, course content, and specific content and methods of course evaluation methods of Yi huang Hegang dance as a course. Methodology: literature method, the fieldwork method, and the summary and induction method. Research founding that the curriculum goal should be "to promote the all-round development of students" as the primary goal; The course content should be based on the actual needs and acceptance of students; The curriculum evaluation method should be collaborative evaluation by family, school and community, and through evaluation, teachers can be helped to understand the teaching effect.

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How to Cite
Ting, D. ., & Potiwetchakul, A. . (2023). A Study on the Curriculum of Yihuang Hegang Dance, an intangible cultural heritage Dance . Journal of Dhamma for Life, 29(2), 110–117. retrieved from https://so08.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/dhammalife/article/view/2090
Original Research Article