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Analysis of the Cultural Characteristics of Jiangxi Yihuang Hegang Dance
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This article aims to in order to study the cultural characteristics of the Hegang dance in Jiangxi province, the cultural causes and characteristics of the local ecological culture are analyzed. Methodology from the dynamic characteristics of appropriate yellow grain Hegang dance, with cultural vertical and horizontal angle of appropriate yellow grain Hegang dance deep excavation and analysis of cultural causes and cultural characteristics. Research finding to explore the deep meaning and value of appropriate yellow grain Hegang dance, is conducive to encourage people to understand the nature of appropriate yellow grain Hegang dance and grasp. The Hegang to promote appropriates yellow grain Hegang dance inheritance and development.
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How to Cite
Liu, W. ., & Potiwetchakul, A. . (2023). Analysis of the Cultural Characteristics of Jiangxi Yihuang Hegang Dance . วารสารธรรมเพื่อชีวิต : Journal of Dhamma for Life, 29(2), 127–135. สืบค้น จาก