Good Governance Application Affecting Organizational Commitment of Private University Personnel in Bangkok
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The purposes of this research were: 1) to study good governance application of Thai private universities; 2) to study organizational commitment of Thai private university personnel; 3) to study a relationship between good governance and organizational commitment of Thai private university personnel; and 4) to analyze good governance principles that have an influence on organizational commitment of Thai private university personnel. The samples used in this study were 321 university personnel working in the selected private universities in Bangkok. The research questionnaire was used as a tool to collect data. Statistics used in this study consisted of percentage, mean, standard deviation, Pearson Correlation and Multiple Regression Analysis (MRA). The research results showed that good governance application, in total, was at high level (x ̅ = 3.44, S.D. = 0.92). In particular, rule of law had the highest mean value (x ̅ = 3.54, S.D. = 0.86), followed by participation (x ̅ = 3.51, S.D. = 0.90), virtue (x ̅ = 3.48, S.D. = 0.91), consensus orientation (x ̅ = 3.48, S.D. = 0.93), transparency (x ̅ = 3.42, S.D. = 0.92), accountability (x ̅ = 3.41, S.D. = 0.95), decentralization (x ̅ = 3.40, S.D. = 0.97) and economy (x ̅ = 3.39, S.D. = 0.98). The organizational commitment of Thai private university personnel, in total, was at high level (x ̅ = 3.47, S.D. = 0.91). In particular, confidence and acceptance of organizational goals had the highest mean value (x ̅ = 3.56, S.D. = 0.90), followed by willingness to work for the organization (x ̅ = 3.48, S.D. = 0.91) and need for maintaining organizational membership (x ̅ = 3.39, S.D. = 0.92). Good governance was positively related to organizational commitment of Thai private university personnel, and rule of law had the highest correlation with organizational commitment. Good governance had an influence on organizational commitment, and participation had the highest influence on organizational commitment of Thai private university personnel.