Leading Role Models for Digital Education Transformation in Thailand
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The increasing use of technology, smart devices, open-source resources as educational tools have transformed learning landscape. Technology is not only essential in daily routine but it is necessary for digital education. The empowerment through technology in education is boundless. It requires extensive effort of course design in creating interactive, engaging, meaningful, and personalized learning experience. As a result, the empowerment promotes self-development and lifelong learning. While many educators in Thailand resisted to adopt technology prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, increasing number of educators were struggling with digital teaching environment during the pandemic. Now that Thailand is approaching the post-pandemic, the researcher was able to discover leading models among educators and learners that set an example for others to take leap of digital transformation. These leading educators are able to use the curriculum as a resource to spark the students’ interest and introduce rigorous course contents, assignments, and assessments applicable to the need. Student-centered approach is creating an ownership among learners of which they must take ownership over their learning. Lathan suggests that a blend of teacher-centered and student-centered learning styles are necessary depending on the situation, circumstance, and condition. The examples discussed in this paper will illustrate how this astonishing group of educators and learners thrive in the digital education transformation despite the obstacles that Thai education system was struggling to make such transformation.