Business Strategies for a Variety of Changes to Achieve Competitiveness with the World

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Piyasun Punjakhan


The study aimed to comprehend the mechanisms of knowledge dissemination within organizations, with a specific focus on the influence of rewards and social units on knowledge transfer in the multicultural context of Dubai, UAE. The investigation sought to unravel the intricacies of knowledge sharing while exploring potential motivations and obstacles within multicultural organizational settings. Quantitative research methods were employed for this study. The study's population comprised first-level managers in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, and data collection occurred through an email survey conducted from October to December 2014. The variables encompassed in the research involved knowledge sharing (y) and individual independent variables (xi), namely financial rewards, social units, and cultural diversity, with control for other impacts: y = 60 + 61x1 + 62x2 + b3*x3 + e, where 'b' represents regression weights aimed at minimizing the sum of squared deviations, and 'e' denotes the residual error. The data were analyzed using descriptive statistics.

The study's outcomes indicated the following: Concerning the first research question, the null hypothesis was rejected, signifying a positive correlation between rewards for knowledge sharing and actual knowledge-sharing behavior within multicultural organizations. For the second null hypothesis, there was insufficient data to favor the alternative hypothesis. Similarly, the third null hypothesis was not rejected, suggesting insufficient data to establish a positive relationship between the cultural diversity of the organization and knowledge sharing. Furthermore, the findings demonstrated a positive correlation between the combined impact of rewards, social units, and cultural diversity, and knowledge sharing.

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How to Cite
Punjakhan, P. . (2023). Business Strategies for a Variety of Changes to Achieve Competitiveness with the World . Journal of Dhamma for Life, 29(4), 202–215. retrieved from
Original Research Article