Evaluation of the Ministry of Finance’s Policy on “Half-Paid” Project on Public Satisfaction: Case Studies in Bangkok and the Surrounding Area

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Pramemanut Pochanasomboon


In this research, a mixed - method research between quantitative and qualitative researches that aims to study the fact about the events that occur in order to know how things are related by describing information based on phenomena in order to seek or obtain findings. The research objectives are:  1) To study people's satisfaction with the policy of the Ministry of Finance in the project that was half paid by the government; 2) To evaluate the policy of the Ministry of Finance on the achievement of the half paid by the government; 3) To study the obstacles of the half paid by the government project of the public sector.

The results of the research showed that  1) people and small shops are satisfied with the half paid by the government project because people get lower prices and shops get more profit;  2)Each half-paid project is a good project that can stimulate the economy over a period of time using the 3M management model;  3) Each half-paid project is a continuous comprising of four phases, i.e., demonstrating the success of such a project;  4) Each half-paid project is a project that occurred during the COVID-19 pandemic and is a project that responds well to the people;  5) Barriers to inequality, most eligible citizens are people who use modern communication tools. As a result, low-income groups without modern communication tools do not have access to the right to the scheme and inequality has arisen in society, and this is reflected in the return of small shops that use the scheme and half are dissatisfied with the government's retrospective taxation.

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How to Cite
โภชนสมบูรณ์ เ. (2024). Evaluation of the Ministry of Finance’s Policy on “Half-Paid” Project on Public Satisfaction: Case Studies in Bangkok and the Surrounding Area. Journal of Dhamma for Life, 30(2), 135–150. retrieved from https://so08.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/dhammalife/article/view/2752
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