Work Efficiency of Employees of Government Housing Bank, Head Office

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Anuruk Numalijun
Dr.Theerakorn Udomratanamanee


The objectives of this research were:  1) to study personal factors affecting the work efficiency of employees of Government Housing Bank, Head Office;  2) to study motivation factors according to ERG Theory (Theory of Human Need: Existence, Relatedness and Growth-ERG) that affect the work efficiency of the employees of the Government Housing Bank, head office; and 3) to study the factors of the working environments that affect the work efficiency of the employees of the Government Housing Bank, Head Office. This research is a quantitative study. The population used in this research included Government Housing Bank employees. There were 2,432 people working in the head office of the Government Housing Bank.  The research questionnaire was used as a tool to collect data. Statistics used in this study consisted of frequency, percentage, mean, and standard deviation and Multiple Regression Analysis (MRA).  The results of the study showed that:  1) the level of motivation factors according to the ERG theory that affect work efficiency, in overall, was at the highest level. 2) The level of work environment factors that affect work efficiency, in overall, was at the highest level. 3) Level of opinions on work efficiency, in overall, was at the highest level. 4) The results of the hypothesis testing were found that employees who have different personal factors such as gender, age, education level monthly income, job position, length of service of the employees of the Government Housing Bank, head office had no difference in the work efficiency. However, employees who have different status had difference in the work efficiency.  Factors in the working environment had an effect on the work efficiency of employees of the Government Housing Bank, head office, and motivation factors according to the ERG theory also had an effect on the work efficiency of the employees of Government Housing Bank, Head Office.

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How to Cite
Numalijun, A., & Udomratanamanee, T. . (2024). Work Efficiency of Employees of Government Housing Bank, Head Office. Journal of Dhamma for Life, 30(2), 165–175. retrieved from
Original Research Article