Violent Film Creation For The China Young Generation In The Digital Era

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Dai Jianping
Assoc.Prof.Dr.Sukanya Buranadechachai
Dr.Sakdina Boonpiam


This Article aimed: 1) To study the viewing behavior of the China young generation in the digital era. 2) To analyze the factors contribute to violent content for the China young generation in the digital era. And 3) To guideline for film creation with violent content for the China young generation in the digital era. This paper adopts the research method of quantitative research and qualitative research. Quantitative research, the sample was 462 students with Student group of some colleges and universities in Guangzhou, China. They were selected by simple method. Qualitative research, 10 interviews with entertainment media experts’ period of working in entertainment media experience more than 10 years. The instrument for collecting data was 2 types: questionnaires for quantitative research and in-depth interviews for Qualitative research. Analysis data by statistics include t-test, chi-square. The research results were found as follows;

1) The study revealed factors that contribute to the emergence of violent content for China's young generation in the digital age. There are many reasons why people choose to watch violent movies. For example, the new generation of Chinese youth loves excitement. curious There is a feeling of suspense in watching violent movies. Want to avoid problems in life      2) Factors that cause violent content for China's new generation of youth in the digital era include Social-Psychological( =3.84, S.D.=0.85), Behavior( =3.80, S.D.=0.87), Cultural and media imperialism( =3.79, S.D.=0.85), Behavioral Imitation( =3.66, S.D.=0.90) respectively.

3) Making a violent film can be a complex and delicate process. And filmmakers should take care to ensure that their films are realistic. Be responsible and appropriate for a variety of audiences Realistic visualizations should consider the impact they might have on viewers. Ethics recognizes the ethical implications of depicting violence in films. This is especially true when depicting violence against women or children. For viewers: Films containing violence should receive appropriate ratings and warnings. And they should consider the potential impact of their films on different audiences and should take steps to ensure that their films are appropriate for different age groups and sensibilities. Characters or Dialogue Filmmakers should be aware of the legal ramifications of depicting violence in films. This is especially true when depicting violence or summary violence against women.

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How to Cite
Jianping, D., Buranadechachai, A., & Boonpiam, D. (2024). Violent Film Creation For The China Young Generation In The Digital Era . Journal of Dhamma for Life, 30(2), 284–302. retrieved from
Original Research Article