Green Industry and Green Factory for ECO Industry in Thailand

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Dr.Pattaraporn Obom
Asst.Prof.Chatwarun Angasinha


The objectives of the research study in green industry and green factory for eco industry in Thailand were 1) to study green factory development in Thailand, 2) to study green industry for eco industry and, 3) to recommend guidelines for factory and industry to go green and become eco-friendly industry. The research study was a qualitative study consisting of literature review and in-depth interviews. Total of 15 key informants were interviewed. The findings were 1) green industry and green factory development in foreign countries such as the United States and the Netherlands was executed through local municipalities and states with fund allocated for green movement to ensure eco-industry was implemented in the process, 2) important guidelines consisted of (2.1) regulations and control on greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide, methane, and nitrogen-dioxide produced by the factories to reduce global warming and greenhouse effect, (2.2) incentives to support renewable energy resources such as hydro, solar, wind, and geothermal to reduce polluted energy sources from petroleum, coal, and natural gas, (2.3) reliable production activity in process to ensure the safety and environmental friendly conditions for the communities within the factories’ areas, (2.4) laws and regulations in place to protect the communities from direct and indirect potential hazard waste through subsidies and penalties in 1) tax incentives for green factory and green industry, 2) severe penalty for environmental violation, 3) knowledge center for green factory and those who were interested to convert to green factory.

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How to Cite
Obom, D. P. ., & Angasinha, A. . (2024). Green Industry and Green Factory for ECO Industry in Thailand. Journal of Dhamma for Life, 30(3), 441–455. retrieved from
Original Research Article