Artistic Characteristics and Themes Analysis of Guangxi Jinxiu Yao Folk Songs

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Cailing He
Assist.Prof.Dr.Rungkiat Siriwongsuwan
Prof.Dr.Lingling Liu


The purpose of this paper is to delve into the artistic features and themes of the Jinxiu Yao folk songs, aiming to enhance understanding and preservation of this precious cultural heritage. The research objectives are as follows: 1. Investigate the artistic characteristics of Jinxiu Yao folk songs; 2. Examine the themes and content of Jinxiu Yao folk songs; 3. Explore ways to strengthen the understanding and preservation of Jinxiu Yao folk songs. The study is based in Jinxiu Yao Autonomous County, Guangxi Province. Three inheritors of Jinxiu Yao folk songs in this area were selected for interviews, and based on the interview content, ten representative Jinxiu Yao folk songs were chosen. The research methodology employed was the interview method. The final research findings include: 1. Understanding the artistic features of Jinxiu Yao folk songs; 2. Summarizing the creative themes of Jinxiu Yao folk songs; 3. Proposing targeted suggestions for the protection of Jinxiu Yao folk songs.

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How to Cite
He , C. ., Siriwongsuwan, A. ., & Liu, P. . (2024). Artistic Characteristics and Themes Analysis of Guangxi Jinxiu Yao Folk Songs. Journal of Dhamma for Life, 30(2), 106–119. retrieved from
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