Strategies for Excellence in Higher Education Fitness Centers: Mediating and Moderating Effects in a Structural Equation Model from Shanxi Province, China

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Ruoxu Feng
Wasin Phromphithakkul


In this paper, organizational performance is used as a mediator variable, and technology and external environment are used as moderating variables to analyze the relationship between organizational management and fitness center excellence.Structural equation modeling was constructed and empirical research was conducted based on questionnaires. Using SPSS 25.0 and AMOS 26.0, the research hypotheses were tested. The study shows that, organizational management positively influenced organizational performance and organizational excellence. Organizational performance was also found to directly influence organizational excellence. Notably, the external environment and technology were identified as significant moderating variables, impacting organizational excellence with direct influences, respectively, both significant at their levels.

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How to Cite
Feng, R., & Phromphithakkul, W. (2024). Strategies for Excellence in Higher Education Fitness Centers: Mediating and Moderating Effects in a Structural Equation Model from Shanxi Province, China. Journal of Dhamma for Life, 30(4), 333–343. retrieved from
Original Research Article