The Impact of Transformational Leadership on the Effectiveness of Human Resource Management - the Mediating Role of Organizational Atmosphere and Organizational Change

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Gemo A
Wasin Phrompitakkul


There are many factors that affect the effectiveness of human resource management, among which the leadership style of a leader is closely related to the effectiveness of human resource management. This article focuses on three very important variables: transformational leadership style, organizational atmosphere, and organizational change, and then constructs a basic framework with transformational leadership style as the independent variable, organizational atmosphere and change as the mediating variables, and human resource management efficiency as the dependent variable.

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How to Cite
A, . G., & Phrompitakkul, W. (2024). The Impact of Transformational Leadership on the Effectiveness of Human Resource Management - the Mediating Role of Organizational Atmosphere and Organizational Change. Journal of Dhamma for Life, 30(4), 317–332. retrieved from
Original Research Article