The Strategic Leadership of Administrators Affecting Performance Based Budgeting Management of School Under the Suphanburi Primary Education Service Area Office 2

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Sorawit Wongsahatakulchai
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mattana Wangthanomsak


This research purposes were to know 1) the strategic leadership of school administrators 2) the performance based budgeting management of school and 3) the strategic leadership of administrators affecting performance based budgeting management of school under the Suphanburi Primary Education Service Area Office 2. The sample were 103 schools under the Suphanburi Primary Education Service Area Office 2. The respondents of each school consisted of 2 persons: a school director and a teacher in charge of budgeting management total of 206 respondents. The research instruments were an opinionnaire about the strategic leadership based on the concept of (Dubrin), and the performance based budgeting management based on Chaisit  Chalermmeeprasert. The statistics used were frequency, percentage, arithmetic mean, standard deviation and stepwise multiple regression analysis. The findings of this study were as follows :

  1. The strategic leadership of school, collectively and individually, were at a high level. When ranking by arithmetic mean from highest to the lowest were as follows; creating a vision, gathering multiple inputs to formulate strategy, human and emotional component, high-level cognitive activity, revolutionary thinking for change, and anticipating and creating a future.

  2. The performance based budgeting management of school, collectively and individually, were at a high level. When ranking by arithmetic mean from highest to the lowest were as follows; Internal Audit, Financial and Performance Reporting, Asset Management, Procurement Management, Financial management and fund control, Output Costing, and Budget Planning.

  3. The strategic leadership of administrators, on creating a vision (X1), revolutionary thinking for change (X5), gathering multiple inputs to formulate strategy (X3), and anticipating and creating a future (X4) affecting performance based budgeting management of school under the Suphanburi Primary Education Service Area Office 2 was found statistically significant at .01 and multiple linear regression equation as follow:

Ytot = 0.741 + 0.333(X1) + 0.203(X5) + 0.190(X3) + 0.110(X4)

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How to Cite
Wongsahatakulchai, S. . ., & Wangthanomsak, A. P. D. M. . (2024). The Strategic Leadership of Administrators Affecting Performance Based Budgeting Management of School Under the Suphanburi Primary Education Service Area Office 2. Journal of Dhamma for Life, 30(3), 579–591. retrieved from
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