Guidelines for Casino Management Integrated Resorts in Thailand

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Boonsit Phungsuk
Assoc.Prof.Dr.Rattaphong Sonsuphap


purpose of the research study on Guidelines for Casino Management Integrated Resorts in Thailand is intended to study the feasibility of creating a legal Casino Integrated Resort (IR) through an analysis of economic, political, and social aspects and to propose guidelines for IR management. A qualitative research method was chosen to gain insights from 10 key informants who are experts in IR management through in-depth interviews.

Document research and literature review was also conducted to gain comprehensive understanding utilizing critical gambling theory and the concept of model cities as primary contexts.

The researcher found that IR is possible through a government intervention currently in progress with the draft plan from the committees assigned to examine the feasibility and implementation of IR in Thailand. Potential benefits that IR offers are 1) an increase of employment for labor market, 2) an increase in tax collection for the government, and 3) an increase of tourism sector income. Negative impacts cannot be neglected of which the study found that 1) higher crime rate through money laundering can be harmful and, 2) social problems associated with gambling are unpredictable that may lead to a gambling addiction among certain groups.

Conclusion, managing an operation of IR in Thailand is challenging and rather complex. It requires extensive considerations and monitoring of pros and cons of the IR in Thailand. Benefits must be attained while risks must be mitigated. The research study serves as operational guidelines and provides a framework for the stakeholders’ involved to execute the plan responsibly, to continue a sustainable development of IR, and to monitor an operation of IR effectively.

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How to Cite
Phungsuk , B. ., & Sonsuphap, A. P. D. . (2024). Guidelines for Casino Management Integrated Resorts in Thailand. Journal of Dhamma for Life, 30(4), 555–566. retrieved from
Original Research Article