Social Skills, Quality of Life, Mental Health, and Related Factors of First-Year Undergraduate Students at Chulalongkorn University During the Current New Normal

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Kanawat Pinpradub
Jirada Prasartpornsirichoke


  1. Abstract

Objectives: Investigate the social skills, quality of life, and mental health, of first-year undergraduate students at Chulalongkorn University after the COVID-19 pandemic was resolved in 2022

Methods: This cross-sectional study included 411 first-year undergraduate students from 18 faculties studying in academic year 2023 at Chulalongkorn University. The presence social skills, quality of life and mental health state including depression anxiety and stress were assessed using the Social Behavior Scale, World Health Organization Quality of Life Brief – Thai (WHOQOL-BREF-THAI) and Depression Anxiety Stress Scales 21 (DASS21).

Results: There were no significant differences in gender, hometown, several sources of income, and accommodation differences in social skills, quality of life and mental health. There was no significant linear correlation between revenue, and expenses in the social skills, quality of life and mental health.

Conclusion: Most of the participants not only had an average level of social skills and quality of life, but also had normal depression, anxiety, and stress. The author suggests that a further study of the other effects of living in the current new normal should be conducted, to gain a deeper insight of how living in the current new normal affects a college student.

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How to Cite
Pinpradub, K., & Prasartpornsirichoke, J. (2024). Social Skills, Quality of Life, Mental Health, and Related Factors of First-Year Undergraduate Students at Chulalongkorn University During the Current New Normal. Journal of Dhamma for Life, 30(3), 513–525. retrieved from
Original Research Article