Guidelines for Communicating the Kra Canal Project to Public Awareness

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Korapong Jangyubol


This is qualitative research. The objectives are 1) to study the communication of the Kra Canal digging project in the perception of the public sector and 2) to study the participation of the public sector in their perception of the Kra Canal digging project. There were 18 key informants. The research areas included Chumphon, Songkhla and Krabi. The research results are that communication is relevant to policy decisions related to the digging of the Kra Canal. It is necessary to consider many dimensions including economic, social, environmental, and political aspects. The main steps of policy making are including defining the problem , solving alternative analysis and etc.         The Kra Canal project is in the stage of alternative analysis. The government sector has communications that allow citizens and stakeholders to participate in decision-making, such as providing information to the public about related problems and policies, consultations. Requesting opinions and advice from the public, public participation in decision making, working with citizens in policy development and implementation, organizing exhibitions. Creating brochures, leaflets and making use of television, radio, and social media as well as articles in journals. To provide information about the project. However, People still have concerns about the project for environment impact. Such as natural loss, destruction of mangrove forests aquatic ecosystem and habitats for wild animals, water contamination and its pollution. The impact may change of tides coastal erosion, coral reef changes as well as economic, social, and cultural changes in the community.

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How to Cite
JANGYUBOL, K. (2024). Guidelines for Communicating the Kra Canal Project to Public Awareness. Journal of Dhamma for Life, 30(4), 451–462. retrieved from
Original Research Article