The Effect of Using Cooperative Learning with CIRC Technique on Reading Comprehension Ability of Grade 9 Students in The Secondary Educational Service Area Office Chonburi Rayong

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Achara Pinmun
Sita Yiemkuntitavorn
Areerug Mejang


The objectives of this research were to 1) compare English reading comprehension abilities of Grade 9 students taught with collaborative teaching using the CIRC technique and those taught using normal teaching methods, 2) compare English reading comprehension abilities of Grade 9 students before and after being taught with collaborative teaching using the CIRC technique; and 3) assess Grade 9 students’ satisfaction towards English reading comprehension through cooperative teaching using the CIRC technique.

The sample group comprised 40 Grade 9 students from Chonburi Sukkhabot School in Chon Buri province in in The Secondary Educational Service Area Office Chonburi Rayong, who were enrolled in the second semester of the academic year 2023, obtained by multi-stage sampling. The research tools included: 1) 8 teaching management plans of collaborative teaching using the CIRC technique, 2) 8 normal teaching management plans, 3) a 20 item-test designed to assess English reading comprehension ability, and 4) a 15 item-satisfaction questionnaire towards collaborative teaching using the CIRC technique. Statistics employed for data analysis were the mean, standard deviation, and t-test.

         The research findings revealed that: 1) English reading comprehension ability of Grade 9 students who underwent collaborative teaching utilizing the CIRC technique was significantly higher than those of the students who received traditional teaching methods at the .05 level of statistical significance; 2) English reading comprehension ability of Grade 9 students after learning through collaborative teaching using the CIRC technique was significantly higher than their pre-learning counterpart score at the .05 level of statistical significance, and 3) The Grade 9 students’ satisfaction towards collaborative teaching using the CIRC technique was at a high level.

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How to Cite
Pinmun, A. ., Yiemkuntitavorn, S. ., & Mejang, A. . (2024). The Effect of Using Cooperative Learning with CIRC Technique on Reading Comprehension Ability of Grade 9 Students in The Secondary Educational Service Area Office Chonburi Rayong. Journal of Dhamma for Life, 31(1), 147–161. retrieved from
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