The Paradigm of Growing the Number of Students and Employment Conditions of Graduates to Develop a Bachelor of Arts Program In Philosophy, Religions and Cultures

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Phramaha Wichit Chansa-nga
Phramaha Anan Aunwises
Phrakhrusangkharak Suriya Sapanthong
Dr.Siriporn Krongcheep


This research aims to (1) study the concept of increasing the number of students and the employment status of graduates to develop the Bachelor of Arts program in Philosophy, Religion and Culture; (2) compare the concept of increasing the number of students and the employment status of graduates to develop the Bachelor of Arts program in Philosophy, Religion and Culture, classified by gender, age, education level and position/duty; and (3) study the recommendations for promoting the concept of increasing the number of students and the employment status of graduates to develop the Bachelor of Arts program in Philosophy, Religion and Culture. The sample group used in this research was 92 undergraduate students and lecturers of the program at Mahamakut Buddhist University, Salaya, Nakhon Pathom Province. The research instruments were a questionnaire on the concept of increasing the number of students, consisting of 20 items, with a discrimination power (r) ranging from .632 to .829, and a reliability value using the Alpha Coefficient according to Cronbach's method, with a reliability value of .960. A questionnaire on the status of students' employment, consisting of 20 items, with a discrimination power (r) ranging from .444 to .832, with a reliability value of .952. The statistics used for data analysis were frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, hypothesis testing using the t-test (Independent Samples), one-way analysis of variance (F-test, One-way ANOVA), and testing pairwise differences using the Scheffe' method, and descriptive analysis.

The research results found that:

  1. The concept of increasing the number of students in the Bachelor of Arts Program in Philosophy, Religion and Culture was at a moderate level overall and in each aspect. The aspect with the highest opinions was public relations and educational support, followed by the service process. The aspect with the lowest opinions was family factors and the employment status of graduates to develop the Bachelor of Arts Program in Philosophy, Religion and Culture. The overall was at a high level and in each aspect. The aspect with the highest opinions was intellectual skills, followed by knowledge. The aspect with the lowest opinions was interpersonal skills and responsibility.

  2. The results of the comparison of the concept of increasing the number of students and the employment status of graduates to develop the Bachelor of Arts program in Philosophy, Religion and Culture, classified by gender, overall and in each aspect, there were no different opinions. When classified by age, overall there were significant differences at the .05 level. When classified by age, education level and position/duty, overall and in each aspect, there were no different opinions.

  3. Recommendations for promoting the concept of increasing the number of students and the employment status of graduates to develop the Bachelor of Arts program in Philosophy, Religion and Culture are: The university should have a guideline for public relations about the Bachelor of Arts program in Philosophy, Religion and Culture, emphasizing the strengths that can be used to create interesting skills, both through online media, websites or alumni networks, in order to reach those who are interested in continuing their studies. There should be a guideline for building trust in society. There should be a guideline for surveying opinions about the needs, interests in society, strengths and weaknesses of the university to be used as a guideline for solving problems, leading to the development of a sustainable model for increasing the number of students and the employment status of graduates.

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How to Cite
Chansa-nga, P. W. ., Aunwises, P. A. ., Sapanthong, P. S., & Krongcheep, D. . (2024). The Paradigm of Growing the Number of Students and Employment Conditions of Graduates to Develop a Bachelor of Arts Program In Philosophy, Religions and Cultures. Journal of Dhamma for Life, 30(4), 463–478. retrieved from
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