Factors Affecting the Teaching Competence of Student Teachers in the Bachelor of Education Program, Faculty of Education, Uttaradit Rajabhat University

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Assoc. Prof.Boonmun Thanasupawat
Dr.Voottinanth Noihuahad
Raschaneewan Wankuldit


             The purpose of this research was to study 1) Factors affecting teacher competence of student teachers in educational institutions 2) Teacher competence level of student teachers in educational institutions 3) Factors affecting teacher competence and teacher competence of student teachers in educational institutions 4) Guidelines for developing teacher competence of student teachers in educational institutions Faculty of Education, Uttaradit Rajabhat University. The sample group used in the study was 4th-year student teachers in the Bachelor of Education program, Faculty of Education, Uttaradit Rajabhat University, first semester, academic year 2024, totaling 235 people. The purposive sampling method was used by specifying the sample size from the Krejcie and Morgan ready-made table using simple random sampling. The research instrument was a questionnaire. Data were analyzed using a ready-made computer program. The statistical methods used were frequency distribution, mean, standard deviation, and multiple regression. The results of the study found that the level of factors influencing the teacher competence of the sample group was at a high level (  = 4.32, S.D. = 0.28). The level of teacher competence of the sample group was at a high level (  = 4.-31 S.D. = 0.29). The factors influencing the teacher competence of the sample group, ranked by the highest mean, were: love and faith in the teaching profession (X2), achievement motivation (X-3), social support (X5), and attitude toward the teaching profession (X1). They significantly influenced the teacher competence of the sample group at a statistical level of 0.01. The factor of planning and self-control (X4) significantly influenced the teacher competence of the sample group at a statistical level of 0.05. The multiple correlation coefficient of prediction was 0.803, with a prediction efficiency of 64.40 percent. It can be written as a regression analysis equation as follows:

                Y^   = 0.683 + 0.220 (X2) + 0.194 (X3) + 0.118(X5) + 0.140 (X1) + 0.098 (X4)

               The guidelines for developing teacher competence of the sample group, ranked in 5 order of frequency, were: learning one's own strengths and weaknesses and applying them to benefit (frequency = 178), learning about one's own skills, abilities, and areas that need to be improved (frequency = 173), knowing how to integrate learning management into all activities (frequency = 142), fostering a positive attitude towards the teaching profession and seeing the importance of being a true teacher (frequency = 141), and participating in various activities organized both inside and outside the university to develop teacher competence before going out to practice teaching (frequency = 133), respectively.


Keywords :  Influencing factors; Teacher competence

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How to Cite
Thanasupawat, A. P., Noihuahad , D., & Wankuldit , R. (2024). Factors Affecting the Teaching Competence of Student Teachers in the Bachelor of Education Program, Faculty of Education, Uttaradit Rajabhat University. Journal of Dhamma for Life, 30(4), 375–394. retrieved from https://so08.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/dhammalife/article/view/4087
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