Integrating KWL-Plus Technique with Cooperative Learning to Develop English Major Pre-Service Teachers’ Learning Management Competencies to Promote Thinking Skills through Children’s Literature

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Wipada Prasansaph


This research aimed to (1) investigate the competencies in learning management that promote thinking skills through children's literature among English major student teachers after learning via the KWL-Plus technique combined with cooperative learning, and (2) examine the satisfaction of these student teachers with the learning management approach that integrates the KWL-Plus technique and cooperative learning. The study's sample consisted of 30 third-year English major student teachers enrolled in the EEC3321 course titled "Learning Management for Thinking Skill Development through Children's Literature" in the Faculty of Education at Suan Sunandha Rajabhat University, during the academic year 2023. The participants were selected through cluster random sampling, with the entire class serving as the sampling unit. This experimental research utilized two primary instruments: (1) an assessment tool to evaluate the competencies in learning management that promote thinking skills using children's literature, and (2) a questionnaire to assess the student teachers' satisfaction with the learning management approach. Data were analyzed using basic statistics, including mean, standard deviation, and independent sample t-tests.

 The results of the study revealed that (1) the English major student teachers demonstrated a high level of competency in learning management that promotes thinking skills through children's literature after participating in the KWL-Plus technique combined with cooperative learning, and (2) the student teachers reported a high level of satisfaction with the learning management approach that integrated the KWL-Plus technique with cooperative learning.

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How to Cite
Prasansaph, W. . (2024). Integrating KWL-Plus Technique with Cooperative Learning to Develop English Major Pre-Service Teachers’ Learning Management Competencies to Promote Thinking Skills through Children’s Literature. Journal of Dhamma for Life, 30(4), 1–23. retrieved from
Original Research Article