The School Administrator’s Academic Leadership of Thepmongkhonrangsri School, Kanchanaburi

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Lanlalin Phongsakkajorn
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Sangaun Inrak


The objectives of this research were to determine 1) the instructional leadership of administrators in Thepmongkhonrangsri School and 2) the comparison of opinions on academic leadership of administrators in Thepmongkhonrangsri School, when classified by position in gender, age, education level and position and work experience. populations were educational personnel in Thepmongkhonrangsri school, they were consisted of 1 director, 4 assistant directors, 8 head of the departments, class leader 6 and 71 teachers, the samples were 86 administrators and teachers. The instrument was the questionnaire about instructional leadership based on the theory of Hallinger and Murphy. The statistics used to analysis the data were frequency, percentage, arithmetic mean, standard deviation t-test Independent Samples and F-test Independent Samples

          The results were as follow: 1) Instructional leadership of Administrators in Thepmongkhonrangsri School as a whole and as the aspect, were found at a high levels : Ranking from the highest to the lowest : Monitoring student progress, Protecting instructional time, Developing and enforcing academic standards, Supervising and evaluating instruction, Coordinating curriculum, Providing professional development , Defining the school mission and Providing incentives for teachers 2) The results of the comparison of opinions an instructional leadership of administrators in Thepmongkhonrangsri School when classified by position in gender, age, education level, position and work experience in educational institutions found that they were not different.

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How to Cite
Phongsakkajorn, L. ., & Inrak, A. P. D. S. . (2024). The School Administrator’s Academic Leadership of Thepmongkhonrangsri School, Kanchanaburi. Journal of Dhamma for Life, 30(1), 232–253. retrieved from
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