Published: 22-01-2024

Mindfulness Practices in the Thai Society Context

Dr. Panachphongphan Bodhisatirawaranggoora, Phramaha Chakrapol Acharashubho Thepa, Dr. , Meechi Netnapa Sutthirat, Dr., Dr. Chetnitipath Promchin


Analytical Study of The Relation of Kamma and Citta in Therava ̅da Buddhism

Phramaha Phongsathon Khematharo (Trisuwan), Assoc. Prof. Dr. Suvin Ruksat


An Application of Buddhadhamma in Promoting Effective Communications in Work of Employees, Kasikornbank Public Company Limited

Korkiat Thongwanichniyom, Dr. Chompoonuch Changcharoen, PhramahaViroj Guttaviro, Asst. Prof. Dr.


Government’s Policies Supporting for Small and Medium Business Enterprise in Automotive Part Categories

Thongchai Teekapatarapokin, Assoc.Prof.Dr.Wiphat Mankarn, Dr.Viwat Kromadit, Assoc.Prof.Dr.Pensri Chirinung


English Learning Problems in the 21st Century

Phramaha Bundit Krongbuaban Pandito, Dr.


Human Ecology and Awareness of Natural Value Linked All Things with Buddhism

Phrakhrupaladmethawat Suttipot Sutdhivajano, Suthep Suvirangkun, Chatree Suksabay


Asupha Kammathana on The Death: A Case Study in The Tatiya Parachika

Phramahakhanob Sahayapanyo (Khethong), Dr., Dr.Janthima Seangphrae, Phrakrupaladphoompha Phanyatharo (Singhasetthasak), Dr., Phrapaladsitthidet Silatejo (Rueangdet), Dr., Phramahataransaphod Jittapunyo (Nantapanit)


Physical Contemplation of the Four Foundations of Mindfulness Approach

Phramahā Bunlers Puññamedhī (Phumen), Phramahā Bunlers Puññamedhī (Phumen) , Phramaha Nitithat Ñāṇasiddhi (Siriwang)


Literature Review on Illegitimate Task

Yu Shanchang, Jiraporn Khantong
