The 21st Century Skills of School Administrator and the Academic Affairs Administration of School Under Suphanburi Primary Educational Service Area Office 1
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This research aims to study 1) 21st century skills of school administrators in schools under the Suphanburi Primary Educational Service Area Office 1. 2) Academic administration of schools under the Suphanburi Provincial Primary Educational Service Area Office. Primary education 1 and 3) Relationship between 21st century skills of school administrators and academic administration of schools under the Office of Suphanburi Primary Education Area 1. The sample group includes schools under the supervision. Suphanburi Primary Educational Service Area Office 103 schools 1. Two people responded to the questionnaire in each school, namely the school administrator or deputy school administrator, the acting school administrator and the teacher. There were questionnaire respondents. 206 people whose research tools are opinions about the skills of school administrators in the 21st century according to the concepts of Hoyle English and Steffy are about academic administration of schools according to the principles of the Ministry of Education. Descriptive statistics that Used in data analysis are frequency, percentage, arithmetic mean, standard deviation and Pearson's correlation coefficient, moment product.
The results of the research found that: 1) 21st century skills of school administrators Under the jurisdiction of the Suphanburi Primary Educational Service Area Office 1, overall and each aspect is at a high level, arranged from the highest to the lowest arithmetic mean, values and ethics of leadership, skills in managing learning, teaching, skills in Communication and community relations, skills in employee evaluation and personnel management, skills in personnel management, skills in leadership with vision, skills in planning and curriculum development, skills in organizational management, skills in policy and supervision and skills in research , evaluation , and educational planning. 2) The academic affairs administration of school under Suphanburi primary educational service area office 1, as a whole and each aspect were at a high level, ranking from the highest to the lowest arithmetic mean; textbooks selection for schools, the development of internal quality assurance systems and educational standards, school curriculum development, learning process development, development and promotion of learning resources, guidance, academic promotion and support for individuals, families, organizations, establishments and other institutions providing education, promoting the academic strength of the community, measurement evaluation and transfer of grades, developing or proceeding with opinions on a local curriculum development, learning and teaching management in schools, educational supervisor, academic planning, preparation of regulations and practicality for academic, technology media development and using for education, collaboration in academic development with other schools and organizations, research for educational quality development of schools. 3) The relationship between the 21st century skills of school administrator and the academic affairs administration of school under Suphanburi primary educational service area office 1 was found correlated as a whole at a high level with .01 level of significance which was positive correlated.